Achroma Realm Rift - A New Draft Format

Achroma Realm Rift - A New Draft Format

What is the Realm Rift format?

Realm Rift is the new draft format for Achroma. In this format you select cards from piles that get passed round to you in your “pod” (the group of players who are participating in the draft). The aim is to create a cohesive 30 card Palette, from the cards you drafted, to then play a mini event with. All the rules of Achroma still apply other than you do not need to keep within one Realm when constructing your Palette, all cards are considered “Realmless” and there are no limitations on repeats of the same card name. You may also have a “side board” of 10 cards that you drafted that may swap into your Palette in between games.    

Drafting Instructions:

  1. Each player starts with Four 10-card Achroma Booster packs. 
  2. Each player opens all 4 of their booster packs and removes the back card (which will be a legendary or rare card) and adds them to an initial 4-card stack, while keeping the remaining cards of each pack in their own separate facedown stacks, without looking at them. Each player should end this step with a stack of 4 legendaries/rares and 3 face down stacks of Achroma cards.
  3. Each player chooses one of those cards from their legendary stack to keep and then passes the remaining three to the player on their right. This is repeated until no cards are able to be passed along.
  4. After that each player takes one of their facedown stacks and takes a card to keep, and passes the remaining cards from that stack to the player on their left. This is repeated until you are passed a single card, which you keep. 
  5. Each player then repeats step 4 with their second stack of facedown cards but after selecting a card to draft they pass right instead.
  6. Repeat step 4 with the third stack.
  7. Repeat step 5 with the fourth and final pack (passing to the right)
  8. You should now have a wide selection of Achroma cards to build a 30 card palette and a 10 card sideboard. Remember all cards are considered Realmless in this format and you may have as many copies of cards with the same name as you like.  
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