Craven Traitorious has declared himself king of Spirata Planum. His Fallen Stone Pixies have tied down Flutterby Falls School for the Gifted as his factories pump dark clouds into the skies and ship Achrom through the realm portals that once transported Chroma.
The skies here are no longer full of Fairy Painters fired from toadstool cannons, spreading Chroma across the realms. More Fairies go missing every day, and yet the number of Pixies continues to grow.
The Flutterby Falls Faculty and a single squad of Fairy Painters are hiding out nearby in Cogs Village. Dr Cornelius Hue – custodian of Chroma – is troubled by the actions of Craven, his former friend and partner. Dr Hue, Sprat Marail and Copper Joss hatch a plan to claim back Flutterby Falls School and find their missing friends.

The Cards
Disaster strikes the whimsical realm of Spirata Planum. A treacherous villain, Craven Traitorius, has seized the throne of Flutterby, plunging the land into chaos. Hope rests on the shoulders of the Chroma Squadron, a fearless team of airborne Fairy Painters, and the valiant faculty of the Flutterby Falls School.
Wield 60 new Achroma cards and aid the Chroma Squadron and the Flutterby Faculty as they liberate their home and uncover the fate of their missing comrades.
The Factions
Chroma Squadron
These nimble Fairies would ordinarily be painting the realms with Chroma. Since Craven’s attack on Flutterby Falls school, they’ve modified their spraypacks to take the fight to the Pixies.More Fairies go missing every day. Chroma Squadron are determined to find their missing friends.
Chroma Squadron make good use of the SPLAT keyword, spreading Chroma and helping you GAIN those precious Shards in your bank. You’ll also be looking to get your squad of Fairy Painters on your Canvas for extra bonuses. -
Fallen Stone Pixies
When a Fairy has too much Chroma, their wings drop off and their mind becomes twisted – a Pixie is born. Sick of being treated as second class citizens, these Pixies have rallied behind Craven Tratorious – self-proclaimed king of Spirata Planum. Craven, former friend and partner of Dr Hue, has started shipping Achrom across the realms.
The Fallen Stone Pixies love to use SQUISH to spread Achrom, helping you DRAIN other players. There a some bonuses to be had by have Pixies on your Canvas. -
Flutterby Faculty
These teachers and mentors were based at Flutterby Falls School for the Gifted until the Fallen Stone Pixies attacked. They’re now hiding out in Cogs Village. Dr Cornelius Hue, custodian of Chroma, knows he needs to put a stop to Craven’s atrocities.
The more experienced Fairies of the Flutterby Faculty can reduce the shard value of certain cards while in everyone’s hands. This makes affected cards cheaper to play but worth less in a TRADE.

Legends of Spirata Planum
Here are the six most powerful, and rarest, cards in The Fall of Flutterby. Each of the six pre-constructed palettes that you’ll find in sets of Achroma: The Fall of Flutterby is built around one of these Legendary cards.
Dr Cornelius Hue
Copper Joss
Sprat Marail
Spiral Tratorious
King Craven Tratorious
Guardians of Flutterby Falls
View all-
A Glimmer Of Truth Finale
Meanwhile in the smoking lands of Fallen Stone, Pixies writhed in pain, bruised and burnt, some with mechanical wings torn from their shoulder bones. Spiral walked mindlessly through the surrounding...
A Glimmer Of Truth Finale
Meanwhile in the smoking lands of Fallen Stone, Pixies writhed in pain, bruised and burnt, some with mechanical wings torn from their shoulder bones. Spiral walked mindlessly through the surrounding...
A Glimmer Of Truth Part 2
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A Glimmer Of Truth Part 2
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A Glimmer Of Truth
Flutterbyfalls and its students must escape with their lives as the Pixies rise in their bid for control, putting the students and the future of Flutterbyfalls School in jeopardy. The...
A Glimmer Of Truth
Flutterbyfalls and its students must escape with their lives as the Pixies rise in their bid for control, putting the students and the future of Flutterbyfalls School in jeopardy. The...
Suspended magically in the air around Flutterby Falls School, the infamous stone dragons thrum with excitement and suspense as queues of Fairy families from all over Spirata Planum await their...
Suspended magically in the air around Flutterby Falls School, the infamous stone dragons thrum with excitement and suspense as queues of Fairy families from all over Spirata Planum await their...
Ready, Aim
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Ready, Aim
Balanced with Fairy-precision, the round stone accommodations in Cogs Village glow sleepily in the pale light of dawn, golden light peeping from alcoves and shedding their sparkling effulgence upon the...
Smoke curls, belching upward from the Achrom Factory. Lights peek from meagre windows but do little to brighten the surrounding darkness. A whistle blows and heavy doors swing open to...
Smoke curls, belching upward from the Achrom Factory. Lights peek from meagre windows but do little to brighten the surrounding darkness. A whistle blows and heavy doors swing open to...
Beauty's Curse
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Beauty's Curse
Dr Cornelius Hue’s white bushy brows knit in the middle as he glares about the rows of students seated or flying briefly in the tiered rows of the Blueprint Swirl....