^(not a final version of the booster product)
What cards will be available in booster products?
All Chapter one cards (with the exception of promotional cards) will be obtainable from booster products, including Alternate Art and Shard cards.
Are any cards going to be in booster products only and not available in a pre-constructed set?
We will continue to manufacture our products based on demand and popularity, we will not limit ourselves to any one product type to ensure the success of Achroma by remaining flexible.
How can booster products contain first edition cards when they are a limited product?
The remaining unsold first edition stock is being accumulated into the new booster products, we will never reprint first edition product and therefore the card pool will never be diluted.
Can you find promotional cards in booster products?
No, promotional cards are only available through their respective offers. However with new organised play opportunities being provided through booster products, there will be new ways to obtain and win future promotional cards.
How will booster packs be structured?
Booster packs will have the following structure: 6 commons, 5 uncommons, 1 rare or legendary and a possibility for special cards e.g. alt arts, first editions etc. in any slot.
What products are being retired?
- First edition Chapter 1 palette boxes
- First edition Chapter 1 Rise of the Realm Runners Expansion boxes
- Unlimited edition Chapter 1 palette boxes
- Unlimited edition Chapter 1 Realm Runner starter sets
- Unlimited edition Chapter 1 Deluxe Realm Boxes
- Collectors editions
- Chapter 1 initial test booster packs
- Achroma Mystery bags
- Alternate Art single cards (obtainable in booster packs)
- Shard single cards
(obtainable in booster packs)
What products will remain?
- All current Chapter 2 products
- Dexter's Dragon Riders starter set
- Dexter Master of Dragons limited edition charity card
- Playmats
- Binders
We hope this answers any of your questions about the upcoming booster products. Achroma is a game that we are striving to expand to more people and places, and we are certain that this is a huge step in the right direction for the success of Achroma.
We will follow up soon with some more info on the exciting new Realm Rifts format!
To find out more or to ask any further questions, join our discord server: