With the big news of Chapter 1 card updates, we have been working hard to listen to community and make our game as clear as possible to both existing and new players alike. We have a fantastic community on Discord. Our Discord is home to a Rules Questions channel where members can ask questions regarding certain cards and keywords. We have been watching this channel carefully (as well as feedback from other socials) and making note of any ‘grey’ areas in game rules that crop up, with the aim to resolve them. The grey areas that were card specific have been cleared up with the updated wordings on our Unlimited Edition cards (reprinted cards post-First Edition), as detailed in our previous article, Chapter 1 Card Updates. However, we were aware that some of the rules answers and clarifications in our Discord had not yet been featured on the How to Play Achroma page on our website. Those updates have now been made. What we want to make clear is that no rules or keywords have been changed, only re-worded or clarified to clear up any “what if?” scenarios. There have also been some new keywords and glossary entries made to give clarity where it wasn’t before, or support new cards.
- Pass Turn - The section of pass turn previously stated that your turn ended after you Draw/Trade. This has been updated to clarify that your turn ends when you verbally ‘pass turn’, giving you the chance to play any last Actions.
Heroic Cards - The section that spoke about Heroic cards wasn’t clear that you can have two Heroic cards on your Canvas, just not two of the same Heroic card. Updated to reflect this.
- Objects of Power - Going forward, we’re no longer using the term ‘Objects of Power’. They’re now just known as ‘Objects’, so all instances of this have been updated on the page. We also added a line to clarify that if you deploy an Object onto an opponents Canvas and it has an ‘ACTION’, you get to resolve the ACTION. After this has been completed, the opponent now has control of that Object for once per turn abilities and resolve.
- Realm Relics - Under the Objects section of the rules, we have added a rule ready for the Realm Relics which is: “Realm Relics are the most powerful Objects, and therefore a Character on your Canvas may only wield 1 Realm Relic at a time. They may still have other Objects attached and you may have more than one Realm Relic on your Canvas.”
- REVEAL - New keyword added. This is a keyword that is very prominent in our upcoming expansion cards, and featured in the updated ability text for Murky Manor. Therefore, we have made sure the keyword is ready for people to start using straight away.
- PROTECTION - Keyword has been updated with extra wording to clarify that PROTECTION only protects your cards from being Erased by another player. If you are forced to Erase one of your own cards (E.g. if someone plays Sorrono, where you have to choose which card to Erase) or you play a card yourself that would Erase your own cards, PROTECTION would not protect your cards.
- RAGE - Keyword has been updated to clarify that you must use your natural one attack per turn before using any of your extra RAGE attacks.
- RESTRAIN - Keyword has been updated to clarify that a card that is RESTRAINED also cannot be Resolve, be affected, or counted for in anyway by other abilities/Actions whilst RESTRAINED.
- SPLAT - Keyword has been updated to clarify that although the SPLAT remains until your next turn, it can only be Resolved once, so if you were to SPLAT and Resolve that SPLAT on the same turn, the card immediately looses that SPLAT.
- SQUISH - Same as above.
- DRAIN - Glossary entry has been updated to clarify that you could be Draining Shards from a player’s Shard Bank OR other cards. Depending on if it is a Resolve effect, or an Action.
- OWNER - New Glossary entry to clear up that when a card says OWNER it means ‘The player that physically owns the card; who brought it to the game.’
- CONTROLLER - New Glossary entry to clear up when a card says CONTROLLER it means ‘The player that currently has the card Deployed on their Canvas’.
There will be a new keyword of DISPOSE added to the rules page in the next few weeks, in time for the release of the Rise of the Realm Runners expansion. If you have any questions, or feel there is something we missed, please leave a comment or DM myself (Viridian) in the Community Discord.