Darkness spreads through Arcus Via. After the Drakes’ successful ambush at a meeting of the Elder Dragons, all but two of the ancient leaders are left entombed in stone.
Tenebris, twisted by Achrom, leads the Drakes in a siege of Draco Temple and has corrupted the region’s realm portal. With this door to the fairy realm now closed, a vital supply of Chroma has ceased.
In Draco Temple, the great Darnakusk mentors Tengri to lead the Dragons and their allies. Their only hope is to find a way through the Achrom blockade and seek help from their fairy friends.
In the ruins of the draconic dynasties, temple monks, mononokes, rocs and all manner of native creatures find themselves drawn into battle, pledging their alliegance to one side or the other.

The Cards
Soar through the skies of Draco Planum, the realm of dragons. Tenebris, a fearsome dragonlord, and his drakes lay siege to the last remaining dragon temple within Arcus Via. Only Darnacusk, a courageous leader, and his ragtag resistance stand between them and complete domination.
Embrace 60 new Achroma cards and fight alongside the valiant Draco Defenders against the Stone Waste Drakes and the shadowy Denizens of Arcus Via.
The Factions
Draco Defenders
Outnumbered and surrounded, these brave Dragons are all that stand in the way of the Drakes’ total domination of Arcus Via. What some Dragons lack in size and strength, they make up for in heart and determination.
Draco Defender palettes are Chroma focused and tend to have plenty of Dragon Characters, meaning there are plenty of combos to reward you with Shards, cards and other effects for having Dragons down on your Canvas. -
Stone Waste Drakes
Tenebris’ Drakes are corrupted by Achrom and seek power at any cost. They’ve already removed Arcus Via’s leaders and Chroma supply. Now they turn their attention to the defiant Dragons they have besieged in Draco Temple.
Drake palettes are Achrom focused. They make use of the SACRIFICE keyword, Erasing their own Characters and Locations to gain an advantage as only those twisted by Achrom would. -
Denizens of Arcus Via
Draco Planum is populated by all manner of wondrous creatures that are neither dragon nor drake. No matter their allegiance or agenda, they too are drawn into the conflict between Achroma and Chroma.
Denizens palettes are loaded with the ability to RESEARCH. This new keyword allows you to look at the top card(s) of your palette and pay Shards from your Bank to put them into your hand.

Legends of Draco Planum
Here are the six most powerful, and rarest, cards in The Siege of Draco Temple. Each of the six pre-constructed palettes that you’ll find in sets of Achroma: The Siege of Draco Temple is built around one of these Legendary cards.
Darnacusk is the mighty leader of the Draco Defenders and one of the two remaining Elder Dragons in Arcus Via. This venerable protector is training young Tengri to lead one day.
As a card, Darnacusk has two abilities. His first ability allows you to GAIN 1 for each of your Dragons. You’ll benefit from this every turn in the Resolve step, so make sure you have plenty of Dragons on your Canvas to get the most out of him. Darnacusk’s second ability is an ACTION, so is triggered one time as he’s deployed. This ability allows you to draw a massive three cards to restock your hand.
Tengri is the second Draco Defender Legendary. He’s a young but powerful Ice Dragon who has been taken under the wing of Darnacusk.
Being an Ice Dragon, Tengri’s ability lets you freeze a player out of deploying cards on their next turn, bringing them to a standstill. A timely deployment of Tengri can give you a much-needed respite from attacks or actions from those sneaky Drakes.
Tenebris is the leader of the Stone Waste Drakes. As an Elder Dragon, Tenebris was supposed to be one the realm’s protectors. It’s clear now that he’s been corrupted by Achrom and his intentions have taken a turn for the worst.
The Tenebris card is very powerful, allowing you to Erase a Location or Character when he’s deployed. The inclusion of a Location as a viable target can be a real game changer as these card types can’t be attacked. Tenebris is no slouch when it comes to his Shard Effect too, bringing a very strong STEAL 3 to your Resolve steps.
Vortigen is a viscously cunning Achrom Dragon. Vortigen was one of the first dragons to embrace the dark power of Achrom. He now causes chaos throughout Arcus Via as one of Tenebris’ Lieutenants.
The Vortigen card lets you get selective with erasing everything on Canvases with any of the two chosen Chroma Shards. This ability can swing things drastically in your favour. Just don’t choose flame/red as one of those colours or Vortigen will join the cards headed for the Dregs! Though we wouldn’t put it past those conniving Drakes to sacrifice one of their own to give themselves an advantage.
The Lost Fairies
Surprised? No Denizens of Arcus Via are stranger than the two Lost Fairies, Poggle and Maple. How did they get here from Spirata Planum? What are they doing in Arcus Via? One thing’s for sure, they’re struggling to get back after Tenebris and his Drakes corrupted the local realm portal.
These magical fairies allow you to deploy a free Action card during each of your turns. This should really help you in your quest to 30 Shards, especially as they contribute a hefty GAIN 3 every Resolve step.
Entombed Elders
When a Dragon’s Chroma is depleted, they turn to stone. This site is the resting place of the Elder Dragons who’s Chroma has run out. It’s now one of the most sacred places in Arcus Via.
Entombed Elders has the very unique effect of ‘cannot be Erased’. You read that right. Once it’s deployed, it’ll be stealing 2 Shards every single turn. Just make sure it remains on your Canvas.
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